Getting Started with ES2015

Stepping into ES2015
Here is a starter guide I had put together to help people get to know at least some of the more common constructs found in ES2015 / ES6. It references some of my favorite materials I have come across and sets up a few questions for you to ask yourself while you study.
Here are some foundation constructs to begin getting you comfortable with using ES2015. The rule of thumb is only use what you understand. For each of these topics you should be able to answer the following questions:
What is it?
What is it for?
When do you use it?
- Arrow functions
- Enhanced object literals
- Template strings
- Destructuring
- Default + Rest + Spread
- Modules
Additional resources
Where to practice
JSBin has been a great tool to hack on some modern JS without having to worry about setting up a whole project with it.